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face extinction中文是什么意思

用"face extinction"造句"face extinction"怎么读"face extinction" in a sentence


  • 濒临灭亡


  • Throughout most of their range , tigers face extinction
  • Lord cutler beckett : ihey know they face extinction . all that remains is where they make their uinal stand
    卡特勒?贝凯特? ?人:他们知道自己即将被消灭,所以他们要放手一搏。
  • Lord cutler beckett : they know they face extinction . all that remains is where they make their final stand
  • Lord cutler beckett : [ / b ] they know they face extinction . all that remains is where they make their final stand
    卡特勒?贝凯特大人: [ / b ]他们知道自己即将被消灭,所以他们要放手一搏。
  • [ b ] lord cutler beckett : [ / b ] they know they face extinction . all that remains is where they make their final stand
    卡特勒?贝凯特大人: [ / b ]他们知道自己即将被消灭,所以他们要放手一搏。
  • China conducts large - scale scientific exploration to save a rare species of plant facing extinction at the three gorges project , the world ' s largest water control facility
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"face extinction"造句  


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